
Ubek returns. The mysterious Polish duo digs out a new collection of degraded echoes, salvaged from authority. Galvanised as if lost to the shock of formal experiments.


The mysterious Polish duo digs out a new collection of degraded echoes, salvaged from authority. Galvanised as if lost to the shock of formal experiments. Ubek III revises the present and takes us back to other versions of actuality.

UBEK (SUC29) UB +‎ -ek, with UB being an initialism of Urząd Bezpieczeństwa (literally “Security Office”).


Side A: Kosmarnaut / Nico Lie / Squadrant / Manic Repression / Trance Misja
Side B: Radaktor / Cyckubus / Idiotaclysim / Ecce Zomo / Rouble Con

Pressing Information

Pro Dubbed 70 Red CS40

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