

Ubek returns. The mysterious Polish duo digs out a new collection of degraded echoes, salvaged from authority. Galvanised as if lost to the shock of formal experiments.


Ubek returns. The mysterious Polish duo digs out a new collection of degraded echoes, salvaged from authority. Galvanised as if lost to the shock of formal experiments.

Ubek II revises the present and takes us back to other versions of actuality.

UBEK: UB +‎ -ek, with UB being an initialism of Urząd Bezpieczeństwa (literally “Security Office”).


A side

Problem of subjectivity

Red Dawn Chorus

Red Dawn (reprisal)

A machine for cutting apples

Remote Kontrolować

B side

Astral Rejection

Hevelius Quadrant

Now Obelisk/ Now Pyramid

Captive Association

Stupid Ludmila

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