Tiago Sousa – Organic Music Tapes Vol​.​1



As its almost tradition now we start the year with a January meditative album from Portuguese pianist and composer Tiago Sousa.


After last years Angst (CREP81, Discrepant) and 2015’s Um Piano nas Barricadas (CREP23, Discrepant), Tiago returns with a deeply meditative album of synesthetic organic musical patterns and complex hidden melodies where every piano stroke and chord resonate into a nebulous sound world we can’t avoid to get lost into.

Entitled Organic Music Tapes Vol.1 the album opens up a new series of works where Tiago approaches composition as organic matter, like the organic patterns inherent in Jade or the irregular grains of wood or even the random fibre markings found in muscle. These are complex patterns, not too dissimilar to what we see when we look at the stars and notice a gaseous nebula, with its extremely indeterminate form and shape, easy to feel and understand but impossible to explain.

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