Star Searchers – Avatar Blue


Earlier this century Spencer Clark created a sound phantasy with Skaters and after that he pursued a new alchemy under various aliases (Charles Berlitz, Fourth World Magazine, Monopoly Child, Typhonian Highlife, etc.) and projects (like Egyptian Sports Network, Tarzana or The Temple Defectors). He’s back with a new album under a new name, Star Searchers, a futuristic eco-friendly record. It’s life on earth as you never heard it.


Spencer Clark is back with a futuristic eco-friendly record. It’s life on earth as you never heard it.

The story goes like this: Spencer wanted to do a soundtrack for the yet to be made “Avatar2”. And if you know Spencer’s work, you’ll know that he engaged on this mission reading material that influenced the rich and crazy imaginary world of “Avatar”. If you think about it a little bit, something like “Avatar” could have really come out from the mind of SpencerClark.

But it didn’t. So, he dwelled around the idea of that soundtrack, working on what is now known as “Avatar Blue”. The record we now release is a selection he made from the 2CD released last year on his own Pacific City Sound Visions.

Like many of Spencer’s other alias or incarnations, Star Searchers introduces the listener to a new world. Besides making sounds/soundtracks for alternative realities he cares about making a world for his music to live in. It’s never superficial or dedicated just to the act of imagination, Spencer creates sounds that sustain the reality he imagined. That’s why they’re so rich and consequential in the realisation of music as a medium.

“Avatar Blue” is music but also literature. And cinema. Star Searchers’ sound creates an absorbent sound about what’s happening in aquatic life. It goes beyond the perception of what we’ve seen or what we’ve known, it’s a neo-future aquatic life, with a world building structure and sounds and narratives that go along with it.

All done with a sound-aesthetics that could be described as slowed-down-trance, that fits1980s synth nostalgia and dreams of sci-fi to come.


A1 – Light Spots on a Shark Body

A2 -Oxygen Injections Seaspray Expressions

A3 – Free Swimming in Link Gel

A4 – Seaweed Covered Hi-Viz Aquanets

A5 – Stingray Motion FX Logo

A6 – Avatar Blue Logo Two

B1 – Finspray of the Mako Shark

B2 – Z-Brushing Tidal Gold

B3 – Avatar Blue Logo Two

B4 – Blue-Green Algae Shadings

B5 – Intertidal Shadezones

B6 – Banshee Foam + Previsual Stingray Motion FX

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