Gonzo returns to the tape format with another mixtape style tape full of his original, forever unfinished, scrapbook compositions.
Using Portuguese regional ‘cantos’, fisherman’s songs, piano sketches, field recordings, turntable and various electronics, Ruídos (à portuguesa) is a mishmash of sounds about Portugal, its people and culture, always evolving, ‘saudosismo’, ancient to the future…
“Cantigas de portugueses
São como barcos no mar —
Vão de uma alma para outra
Com riscos de naufragar.”
Fernando Pessoa in Quadras ao Gosto Popular
”Ruidos [A Portuguesa] might end up being my record of the year.” in Tiny mixtapes
”Sounds like flipping through a strangers picture book, or an old shoebox of photos. It’s challenging, personal, and a ton of fun.” Guide Me Little Tapes