German Army / Old Komm – Disquiet



Russian occultists Old Komm collaborate with the south Californian dons of austere electronics German Army, bringing to life the made up soundtrack to a film that never was. Disquiet tells the story of a child born to a desolate, post-apocalyptic world, war torn and fractured by greed.


German Army & Old Komm present the imaginary soundtrack to the lost 1976 Russian-American dystopian classic, Disquiet.

Russian occultists Old Komm collaborate with the south Californian dons of austere electronics German Army, bringing to life the made up soundtrack to a film that never was. Disquiet tells the story of a child born to a desolate, post-apocalyptic world, war torn and fractured by greed.

”A whirlwind of looting, a firestorm of fear. Men began to feed on men. No one remembers the days before the bleakness. It would be impossible to recall the old world, if it wasn’t for the reminders. Ruins… despair… echoes of madness…and in this maelstrom of decay, I was born.”

Organ tones and broken exoteric bumps coexist with dark ambient themes and cavernous beats. Remnants of wry memories, smothered dreams, dim visions of a world that never was.


Gorky’s Theme
Sky Scrap
No Roles
Sea Reaks
Gorky’s Theme (Ascending)
The Bonobo Sect
Dialogue Excerpt
The Freak of Algiers
Caledonian River
St. Kenelm’s Dream

Pressing Information

Mastered & Cut by Rashad Becker
Photography by Ian Hunter

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