| Giovanni Lami, Hannibal Chew III, Bardo Todol - Stories of the Indian Dotted Whale | SUC39_SUC40_SUC41 |
| Grup Ses - Program #03 (CS40) | SUC45 |
| Los Pirañas - Infame Golpazo en Keroxen | KRXN_014 |
| People Like Us - Welcome Abroad | CREP_84 |
| Roope Eronen - The Inflatable World | PCDO05 |
| Kink Gong - Zomia Vol.1 | CREP85 |
| Tiago Sousa - Angst | CREP82 |
| Lagoss - Imaginary Island Music Vol.1: Canary Islands | CREP_78 |
| Star Searchers - Avatar Blue Vol.2 | |
| Various - Gritty, Odd & Good: Weird Pseudo-Music From Unlikely Sources | CREP_80 |
| Only Now & Orogen - Avuls | SUC_35 |
| Etrusca 3D - Etrusca 3D (Spencer Clark & Francesco Cavaliere) | PCD_02 |
| Papillon - Banco | CREP77 |
| Various - Selección Magnética | SUC_38 |
| Dj Marcelle - 10x3x1 (10 years of Discrepant mixtape) | SUCXX |
| Hair & Treasure - Two Fucking tapes | SUC_34 |
| Prophetas - Maury Island Reverie | SUC_37 |
| Hair & Treasure - Total Control Anthems | SUC_36 |
| Filipe Felizardo & The Things Previous - Vol. 9 After the Circle | |
| Dominique Grimaud - 19 Feedbacks | |
| Star Searchers - Avatar Blue | |
| Calhau! - Tau Tau | |
| Mike Cooper - Tropical Gothic | CREP58 |
| Tomás Tello - Cimora | CREP72 |
| Prophetas - Reveal, Accept, Remember, Forget | SUC27 |
| The Silent Group - Accelerated Evolution Music | SUC28 |
| UBEK - II | |
| The Dead Mauriacs - Eléments d'une Diplomatie Fantôme | |
| Raed Yassin - CW Tapes | CREP71 |
| Grup Ses - Program #02 (CS60) | SUC33 |
| Mark Gergis - Early Century Sound Recordings | SUC_31 |
| Ondness - Meio Que Sumiu | SOUK06 |
| Tasos Stamou - D.A.D. | CREP70 |
| People Like Us - The Mirror | |
| Only Now - Captivity | SOUK05 |
| Mazen Kerbaj - Solo Trumpet Vol. 2.1 No Cuts, No Overdubs, No Use of Electronics | |
| Mazen Kerbaj - Solo Trumpet Vol. 2.2 Cuts, Overdubs, Use of Electronics | |
| Gonçalo F. Cardoso - Impressões De Uma Ilha (Unguja) | ECN19 |
| Ross Alexander - Memorias Vol.2 High Atlas to the Sahara Desert | |
| Gonzo - Ruído(s) | |
| Various - La Danza del Agua | |
| The Sacred Entertainment: Réak, Ceremonial Horse Trance Music from Priangan | |
| Félix Blume - Fog Horns | CREP62 |
| Aman!!! - Aman!!!#2 | |
| Grup Ses & Ethnique Punch - Deli Divan | |
| Grupo San Francisko de Assis - Donde Esta El Kamino (7") | FARSA01 |
| Chupame El Dedo - No Te Metas Con Satan | SOUK04 |
| Banha da Cobra - Mãe D'Água | SUC25 |
| Eosin - For Beniko | SUC26 |
| Papillon - Cercueil Flottant | |
| Alförjs - QorusQoros | SUC24 |
| Hour of the Wolf | SUC23 |
| Various - Antologia de Música Atípica Portuguesa Vol2 | CREP61 |
| Romperayo - Que Jue? (SOUK02) | SOUK02 |
| Jibóia - OOOO | CREP60 |
| Muqata'a - Inkanakuntu (SOUK01) | SOUK01 |
| Koray Kantarcıoğlu – Loopworks | CREP59 |
| Angela Valid / Sparrows Herne - Valid Sparrows | SUC21 |
| Ondness / Serpente - Celas Death Squad (CS46) | SUC20 |
| People Like Us - Recyclopaedia Britannica (CS72) | SUC19 |
| Aman!!! - Aman!!! | SUC18 |
| Tomás Tello - Ekeko Mix: Sonidos Transporta Sueños (CS40) | SUC17 |
| Bardo Todol, M.M. Perez y Úgjü Sectas - Adzer (CS40) | SUC16 |
| Panchasila - Panchasila (CS40) | SUC15 |
| Los Siquicos Litoraleños - Radio Siquica (CS36) | SUC14 |
| Only Now & Orogen - Self Titled (CS40) | SUC13 |
| Monopoly Child Star Searchers - Make Mine Macaw | CREP57 |
| Grup Ses - Program #01 (CS60) | SUC12 |
| Hair & Treasure - Forked Piss Blues | SUC11 |
| Kink Gong - Music is Not a Copy (CS60) | SUC10 |
| Gonzo - Sound Scraps (CS40) | SUC09 |
| Pali Meursault - Stridulations | CREP56 |
| Sugai Ken -てれんてくだ tele-n-tech-da | CREP55 |
| Tasos Stamou - Musique con Crète | CREP54 |
| Kink Gong - Dian Long: Soundscape China / Destruction of Chinese Pop | CREP53 |
| Félix Blume - Death in Haiti: Funeral Brass Bands & Sounds from Port au Prince | CREP51 |
| People Like Us / Matmos / Wobbly - Wide Open Spaces | CREP52 |
| German Army - More Bitter Fruit | CREP50 |
| People Like Us - Early Radio Works Vol. I | SUC08 |
| Ross Alexander - Memorias Vol. I Bugandan Sacred Places (CS60) | SUC07 |